Travel is all about creating unforgettable memories and satisfying our sense of adventure.


Tourism helps grow the local economy, but mass tourism threatens nature, local culture and economy.

Sorry, but it has a significant negative impact on destinations.

Be aware of this.

If we continue to pollute our planet, exploit its resources, and destroy its biodiversity while traveling, the beautiful places and cultures won’t be the same.

On the other hand…

As a responsible green traveler, you can reduce your negative impact on our planet and protect nature for future generations.

Sound hopeful?

Let’s read this article first. Then, pack your luggage, take your reusable water bottle, and head out on an eco-friendly adventure.

Eco-friendly tourism: How to be a green traveler

Eco-friendly tourism (green tourism, sustainable tourism, responsible tourism, eco-councious travel) is a travel concept that emphasizes conservation, respecting local communities, and promoting socioeconomic development.

How to be a green traveler
Photo by Komang Gita Krishna Murti on Unsplash.

The goal of green tourism is to reduce the carbon footprint caused by tourism activities, while also maximizing the positive benefits to local communities and economies. So, it encourages people to be responsible and use environmentally friendly products and services.

Eco-friendly travelers make conscious choose about their destination, transportation, and activities to reduce their impact on the planet and support local conservation efforts. By engaging in sustainable activities like hiking, biking, and bird watching, tourists also help support local wildlife conservation and habitat restoration initiatives.

What about greenwashing?

However, companies making green claims without proof are greenwashing. This can be misleading and lead travelers to make choices that aren’t eco-friendly.

As a responsible traveler, it’s essential to research and select destinations, accommodations, and activities that are truly committed to sustainable and responsible practices to avoid becoming a victim of greenwashing. Be a responsible traveler and help preserve our planet by taking these steps:

  • Look for sustainable accommodations, such as eco-lodges, eco-hotels, and green-certified resorts.
  • Opt for local transportation instead of flying (if not so far away). Take public transportation, rent a bike, or walk if possible.
  • Pack responsibly. Choose reusable containers, take a refillable water bottle, and opt for biodegradable items.
  • Choose experiences and activities that have a low impact on the environment. Participate in sustainable tours and seek out businesses that work to protect the environment.
  • Support local businesses. Shop from local markets, eat in local restaurants.

Read more: Top 10 vegan-friendly travel destinations around the world

Why should you be a green traveler?

Imagine. You’re walking into a hotel or restaurant and see everything wrapped in plastic.

Sh’t. That’s not good, you know.

Whether you’re hitchhiking with a backpack or staying in a fancy hotel, be a green traveler. Here are five reasons you should travel sustainably.

1. The simple and indispensable way to protect life

It’s best to travel green to preserve the beauty of the places you visit for future travelers and residents. No worries, you don’t have to sacrifice the fun of traveling—on the contrary, it may even enhance your experience!

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash.

2. It allows you to form deep bonds

You’ll have the opportunity to make deeper connections with local people. Lots of interesting stories, lots of delicious food, cultural insights… Besides, before you travel to a country, you can reach online groups on social media to learn about the local culture. This could be helpful when you arrive.

3. It’s the best for the planet

Transportation accounted for around 80 percent of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in 2019, making it one of the main contributors to climate change. However, public transportation can significantly reduce our footprint, the amount of CO2 we release into the atmosphere. So, if you pay attention to your choices when you travel, you can save a lot of CO2. Want to hear a great example? Exploring a city by bike is the most ecological and healthy way.

4. It’s also healthier for you

Being a green traveler also has a positive effect on your own health. For example, biking can help you build muscle and endurance. Else? Eco-friendly traveling encourages you to reconnect with nature, and can have a profoundly calming and therapeutic effect on your mind and body.

5. Mother nature embraces you

We’re surrounded by Mother Nature. We can perceive her all around us, in the plants in our garden or in the sky above our head. It’s everything we see around us. Always, Mother Nature is embracing and guiding us on our journey. Then, we’re rewarded for the respect and love of her.

Read more: Green travel guide

Sustainable tourism practices for green travelers

Sustainable tourism practices help protect the environment and promote social resilience. Reducing energy and water consumption, respecting local culture and wildlife, and using local and organic ingredients are key elements of sustainable travel. By choosing green accommodations, opting for eco-friendly transportation, and volunteering in local projects, you can have a positive impact on the planet and its people.

Moreover, many destinations are making efforts to become more sustainable by implementing restrictions on single-use plastic or establishing wildlife sanctuaries. You can support these initiatives by choosing hotels and tour operators that focus on sustainability and respect local habitats.

By traveling responsibly, you can help ensure that future generations can explore and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Reduce your carbon footprint, travel carbon free

Carbon Footprint
Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash.

Carbon footprint the total amount of greenhouse gasses (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) produced by individual human activities and industrialization. Additionally, you can also calculate your personal carbon footprint. Curious? Check here. Shortly, green travel is a wonderful way to reduce your individual carbon footprint.

  • Consider using public transportation or a bicycle or electric scooter instead of renting a car or taking a cab.
  • The more weight you carry, the more fuel transportation must use. So, pack only what you really need for your trip, and consider leaving heavy items at home.
  • Look for hotels or Airbnb that have a green certificate or use renewable energy sources. You can also consider camping or glamping, which are less polluting.
  • Reduce your energy consumption. Turn off lights, air conditioning and heating when you leave your room. Take shorter showers and use the hotel’s laundry service only when necessary.

Explore and support local communities

The philosophy of green travel is a holistic concept. It means not only protecting nature in a place, but also preserving the culture and economic life of the people in a place. Additionally, travelers gain a more authentic travel experience and a deeper understanding of local culture, customs, and traditions.

  • Look for markets that sell local produce, handmade crafts, and other unique items you can’t find anywhere else.
  • Discover local restaurants around you that are run by locals. Local restaurants are a great way to taste authentic cuisine and support the local economy.
  • Volunteer for communities, such as working with animals, teaching, or helping with community projects.

Protect endangered species

Deforestation, poaching, and pollution have devastating effects on the entire ecosystem, especially on endangered species. Green travelers can help protect endangered species and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity on our planet. Plus, being a traveler who doesn’t harm animals isn’t as difficult as you think.

  • Choose responsible tour operators who are committed to species conservation and sustainable tourism practices.
  • Avoid activities that bring you into direct interaction with endangered species, such as riding elephants or visiting wildlife parks where animals are kept in captivity.
  • Support local conservation organizations by donating, volunteering, or buying sustainably made souvenirs.
  • Respect local wildlife by following rules and regulations to protect endangered species.

Reuse, recycle, and reduce

Reduce using plastics
Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash.

While exploring the world, leave your trace as best you can. These practices below help reduce waste, conserve resources, and prevent pollution, all of which are important in promoting sustainable tourism.

  • Reduce buying water in plastic bottles. Use a refillable water bottle.
  • Take a reusable shopping bag or backpack to avoid plastic bags. Reduce your plastic use while traveling.
  • Reduce using single-use plastics, such as straws, cutlery, and food packaging.
  • Dispose of your trash properly and recycle whenever possible.

Stay in eco-Friendly lodgings

Eco-friendly lodging emphasizes energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, and using sustainable and locally sourced materials. Read more to learn how to understand whether a lodging is eco-friendly or not.

  • Research certifications or labels that indicate the lodging is eco-friendly or sustainable.
  • Choose lodging that emphasizes energy-efficient lighting, water-saving fixtures, and low-flow shower heads and toilets.
  • Look for lodging that offers recycling and composting programs.
  • Opt for lodging that uses renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power.
  • Support lodging that uses locally sourced materials and supports the local economy.

Read more: 5 mobile phone application for eco-friendly traveling

What are the economic benefits of being a green traveler?

Green travel can boost local economies by encouraging travelers to buy products and services from local businesses. Besides, travelers can reduce their cost of travel-related expenses, like transportation or lodging.

For example, using public transportation or biking can be less expensive than driving or taking a cab. However, that’s true, sometimes, “eco-friendly” hotels can be more expensive than usual hotels.

Besides, companies that adopt environmentally conscious practices and offer green travel options can set themselves apart from their competitors. This can attract environmentally conscious customers, which in turn can increase sales.


To sum up, being a green traveler means connecting with people and nature. It’s a way to make simple but smart choices to reduce the negative impact on your destination. Ok. We all know that in the big picture, these choices only make a small difference. Sometimes everything isn’t always possible, but being able to do our best is also very valuable.

When you become aware of these small personal changes, you can create considerable influence on your environment. Change all starts with ourselves. By taking responsibility for our actions and making conscious choices, we can positively impact the own world around us. So, let’s lead the way and be the change we wish to see.

What eco-friendly choices are you making on your travels? Share with us your green traveler experiences.